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Professional Networking: Strategies for Success

Professional Skills Competition January 4, 2023 The Digital Revolution is accelerating our access to knowledge and revolutionized how we communicate. Success in life is a function of both what we know and how we build interpersonal relationships. Networking is a learned skill and does not require the personality of an extrovert. A memorable introductory conversation and exchange of business cards will increase relationship capital after applying a process for patient and purposeful follow-up. Creating a network of trusted friends and [...]

Professional Networking: Strategies for Success Read More »

Professional Skills Competition January 4, 2023 The Digital Revolution is accelerating our access to knowledge and revolutionized how we communicate. Success in life is a function of both what we know and how we build interpersonal relationships. Networking is a learned skill and does not require the personality of an extrovert. A memorable introductory conversation and exchange of business cards will increase relationship capital after applying a process for patient and purposeful follow-up. Creating a network of trusted friends and

My Journey to Business Success & Life Purpose

My Journey to Business Success & Life Purpose July 23, 2022 Online My Journey to Business Success & Life Purpose  Mentorship Session with Marie Beane, Director IBM The world offers room for everyone to succeed in their life purpose—but youth need inspiration, guidance, and opportunity. Identifying a mentor or friend who understands you and helps you become the person you want to be can be difficult. At Girl Power Talk, we are committed to helping young people discover their passion,

My Journey to Business Success & Life Purpose Read More »

My Journey to Business Success & Life Purpose July 23, 2022 Online My Journey to Business Success & Life Purpose  Mentorship Session with Marie Beane, Director IBM The world offers room for everyone to succeed in their life purpose—but youth need inspiration, guidance, and opportunity. Identifying a mentor or friend who understands you and helps you become the person you want to be can be difficult. At Girl Power Talk, we are committed to helping young people discover their passion,

Video Editing

Life is a movie and you are the creator— when the creator puts core moments together, a “work of art” is created. Video editing skill resonates quite well with the idea of creating works of art with one’s unique perspective, skills, and creativity.

Video Editing Read More »

Life is a movie and you are the creator— when the creator puts core moments together, a “work of art” is created. Video editing skill resonates quite well with the idea of creating works of art with one’s unique perspective, skills, and creativity.


Writing is an art that is never just for the writer but also for the reader. Similarly, Content Writing is not just meant to acquire space on social media, but to touch people’s hearts and impact their lives positively.

Writing Read More »

Writing is an art that is never just for the writer but also for the reader. Similarly, Content Writing is not just meant to acquire space on social media, but to touch people’s hearts and impact their lives positively.

Content Creation

We believe that social media is not just about trends and aesthetics but also a platform for starting a conversation. Your actions and thoughts can spark a string of thoughts that can bring about meaningful change in mindsets, and storytelling is the best way to connect with people. Therefore, this is a task for you to share your story.

Content Creation Read More »

We believe that social media is not just about trends and aesthetics but also a platform for starting a conversation. Your actions and thoughts can spark a string of thoughts that can bring about meaningful change in mindsets, and storytelling is the best way to connect with people. Therefore, this is a task for you to share your story.

E-commerce Marketing Competition

At Girl Power Talk, we believe that for an upcoming generation to flourish, they need to be provided with challenging opportunities that will bring out the best in them. This competition provides the youth with the platform to showcase such skills. We wish to provide the participants with a unique chance to demonstrate their marketing prowess and capabilities. Those who excel will receive exciting rewards and qualify for an internship that focuses on enhancing their professional careers and personal lives.

E-commerce Marketing Competition Read More »

At Girl Power Talk, we believe that for an upcoming generation to flourish, they need to be provided with challenging opportunities that will bring out the best in them. This competition provides the youth with the platform to showcase such skills. We wish to provide the participants with a unique chance to demonstrate their marketing prowess and capabilities. Those who excel will receive exciting rewards and qualify for an internship that focuses on enhancing their professional careers and personal lives.

Graphic Designer

Graphic design is an extraordinary skill that is unique to each individual. The ability to provide information or messages through visuals is impressive and vital in today’s technological, content-surplus era, where attention can be lost easily.

Graphic Designer Read More »

Graphic design is an extraordinary skill that is unique to each individual. The ability to provide information or messages through visuals is impressive and vital in today’s technological, content-surplus era, where attention can be lost easily.

Web Developer

Web developers are pioneers in the Internet era. They are responsible for designing, building, and implementing websites that we visit from the gifts we order to the news we read online. They play an important role in website development, from assisting with aesthetic properties, like layout and color, to technical considerations, such as how to design a website that can handle a certain amount of internet traffic.

Web Developer Read More »

Web developers are pioneers in the Internet era. They are responsible for designing, building, and implementing websites that we visit from the gifts we order to the news we read online. They play an important role in website development, from assisting with aesthetic properties, like layout and color, to technical considerations, such as how to design a website that can handle a certain amount of internet traffic.

UI/UX design

UI/UX design is the process that renders new technological advancements accessible to the masses worldwide. It is the factor that decides what internet browser or apps you use and which of these apps you keep going back to. Interactive design is crucial for any company or individual looking to have a lasting impact on the techno surplus world we live in.

UI/UX design Read More »

UI/UX design is the process that renders new technological advancements accessible to the masses worldwide. It is the factor that decides what internet browser or apps you use and which of these apps you keep going back to. Interactive design is crucial for any company or individual looking to have a lasting impact on the techno surplus world we live in.
