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Redefining Norms: My Journey Beyond Gender Stereotypes

Author: Subashini. S


  • Challenged restrictive cultural norms for women.
  • Defied stereotypes by pursuing career goals confidently.
  • Prioritized financial independence over early marriage.
  • Overcame obstacles and used setbacks as motivation.
  • Embraced leadership roles to explore diverse career paths.
  • Advocated for women’s freedom to choose their paths.

Challenging Cultural Restrictions for Women

In many families, cultural practices and strict rules always tell how women should behave and fulfill their roles. These norms commonly include marrying at a certain age and refraining from pursuing employment outside the household. Preconceived notions based on gender stereotypes may influence perceptions of individual character traits with men often afforded flexibility. Conversely, women are frequently held to standards of conduct.

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It reinforces a double standard where women are always judged more harshly for these kinds of actions than men. Of course, women are often supposed to be silent and submissive- particularly in front of older men. They might not be told to express their decisions or chase freedom willfully. It is so saddening and suffocating to deal with this double standard of behavior. It restricts our freedom as women, limiting how we can express ourselves.

Breaking the Gender Stereotypes

As I grew up, it was basal that they fell within the gender standard of silence and submissiveness. Especially in matters of where my opinions/expression or decision-making abilities were concerned. But I refused to be silenced. I started opening my mouth, telling the world what I wanted and never caring who judged for it. And this determination brought me from Kanyakumari to Mohali for my dreams. This wide gap was achieved through a commitment to the vows I made and seizing opportunities.

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It was hard at first and I received pushback for being too loud or strong. However, I realized that staying true to myself and my beliefs was more important. This was more crucial than conforming to outdated norms and gender stereotypes. Today, my family listened to me. I am thankful to be a role model for other young women who may have been demoted from their voices.

Forcing Marriage vs. Choosing Financial Independence

Instead of bowing down to the societal pressure of get-married-at-an-early-age, I fought with my family on these expectations. I wasn’t ready to get married and instead decided to focus on developing myself and resume my career aspirations. This decision challenged traditional beliefs about women’s roles and gender stereotypes related to independence.

I remind them that financial independence is key before entering a marriage. By being financially independent, I ensured I could support myself and contribute equally to any partnership. This choice empowered me to make decisions based on personal fulfillment and equality.

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Today, I advocate for the right of women to choose their paths and timelines for marriage and careers. My family now respects my decisions and values my input in important family matters. This shift has not only empowered me but has also contributed to reshaping outdated gender stereotypes within our family dynamics.

I stand up today to say that it is okay for women to choose their career paths and the timeline for marriage. My family now respects my decisions and values my input in important family matters. This transition, therefore, has not only allowed me to grow in authority. But also marks the start of the change having already made my way through stagnant gender roles within our family.

Striving Towards Success

Throughout the journey, it was not easy to face several challenges, among them, were numerous rejections in job placements. In addition to that, several of my family members and other people around me criticized our poor financial background. These challenges did not discourage me from what I believed in. Every rejection offered me an opportunity to sharpen my skills. Every criticism, though difficult, offered me a reason to remain motivated. From that moment, I seized every opportunity, proving my capabilities in both professional and leadership roles.

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Starting my role as a young leader at Girl Power Talk has been an important step in my career. This position has shown me the possibilities for exploring different career paths. This confidence is encouraging me to pursue various opportunities and broaden my professional horizons.


In conclusion, my journey has involved confronting cultural norms and gender stereotypes to pursue my dreams and assert my independence. My role as a young leader at Girl Power Talk has strengthened my belief in exploring diverse careers. And advocating for women’s freedom to choose their paths. I remain committed to breaking barriers and inspiring others to do the same.


Why do you advocate for financial independence before marriage for women?
I believe it’s essential for women to be financially independent before entering marriage. This gives them the ability to take care of themselves and contribute equally to any partnership. By chasing a career and becoming independent, women gain the power to make choices. That is based on what makes them happy and feel equal.

What advice would you give to young women facing pressure to conform to cultural norms and stereotypes?
My advice to young women facing such pressures is to stay true to themselves and their aspirations. It’s important to assert their right to make their own choices regarding education, career, and marriage. 

How can women balance respecting their cultural heritage while challenging restrictive norms?
Balancing respect for cultural practices with challenging restrictions can be tricky. It involves respecting traditions’ value while voicing personal rights and equality. Women can honor their culture by practicing positive practices. And, they can be bold enough to express their opinions if something is limiting their freedom and growth. Open and heartfelt communication with family members can help bridge the gap between traditions and progress.

What strategies can young women use to gain their family’s support when pursuing non-traditional career paths?
Young women can gain family support by having honest conversations about their dreams and how dedicated they are to them. This can help them to understand their commitment. They can involve family members in their journey, and share their achievements and milestones. This can build trust and help their family see the value and fulfillment that comes from pursuing their true dreams.


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