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Ruth Usoro’s Story: The Take-Off Towards Success



  • Hardships marked Ruth Usoro’s childhood. She found solace in sports and began her track and field journey at nine.
  • Ruth faced numerous hurdles in track and field. Two among them was a mismeasured jump at Texas Tech that erased her potential NCAA record. Another was an exclusion from the 2021 Olympics due to testing irregularities.
  • She firmly believes in the verse, “With God, all things are possible.”
  • Looking back, Ruth’s advice to her younger self is to embrace challenges fearlessly. 

1. Can you share about your childhood experiences that influenced your career path and shaped who you are today?

My childhood was marked by hardship. My family’s daily struggle to make ends meet instilled a deep appreciation for their sacrifices in me. Every morning, my parents and siblings would rise early, prepare food, and head out to sell goods on the streets. This was how we could afford food and education.

Finishing high school seemed like a distant dream. Tuition was a constant burden, leading to frequent expulsion from class. Feeling isolated and academically challenged, sports became my solace.

My passion for track and field ignited at the age of nine. During primary school, “Inter-House Sports” was a regular event, and I vividly remember dominating the 100-meter races within my Red House team. 

Shortly after, a track and field competition was announced on the radio. It led me to my first official victory and opened doors to dedicated training. 

Regardless of the gender demographics, as long as God allows me to influence the lives around me positively, that’s the ultimate measure of success. It’s not about the numbers, but the depth of connection and the lives I meaningfully touched. While competing in a male-dominated field, I recognize the disparity women face. However, my philosophy is “impact wherever you’re at.” 

Leaping Over Hurdles Ruth Usoro's Journey to the Olympics

2. What does a day in your life look like?

My days begin early at 6 am, ensuring I have enough rest after my grueling practice sessions that end late in the evening. Juggling school work and other commitments, I dedicate my mornings to prayer and head to work by 8 am. My workday stretches from 9 am to 1 pm, followed by practice starting at 2 pm. These intensive training sessions demand mental and physical preparation, lasting 5 hours.

Returning home by 7 pm, I tackle any pressing schoolwork before winding down for the night by 11 pm. My day concludes with prayer, setting the stage for the next day’s grind. 

Even during brief rest periods within practice, I maximize my time. Whether it’s catching up on schoolwork, responding to messages, or managing other tasks, I multitask like a pro. Balancing the demands of being a graduate student (having just finished my thesis last year) can be overwhelming, but my faith in God provides the strength to persevere.

Working alongside my athletic pursuits stems from my belief that women shouldn’t be limited to a single talent. While recognized for my athletic achievements, I also explore other avenues like graphic design and social media management. These may not be glamorous, but they keep me busy and constantly learning.

3. How do you manage to balance academics and the sports career that you have?

It’s always by the grace of God. Beyond that, prioritizing is key. I wear many hats as an athlete, sister, daughter, and friend. To manage them effectively, I prioritize ruthlessly. Excellence is my goal, but not necessarily in the sense of “being the best.” For me, it means giving my absolute best to every task I undertake. My definition of excellence isn’t about external validation but the effort and dedication I pour into every endeavor.

Prioritization is crucial, and I constantly re-evaluate my needs. Recognizing when to rest and when to push through is vital. I also hold a position in my church, further adding to my responsibilities. Understanding my priorities and their importance is the cornerstone of my success.

I create a to-do list every day. When things don’t go as planned, I practice self-compassion. Growth is a continuous process, and recognizing areas for improvement allows me to take small steps forward.

Finally, surrounding myself with supportive individuals is invaluable. My professors, for example, were incredibly understanding during my thesis period. Balancing practice, work, and schoolwork often meant sleepless nights, and their understanding was a lifesaver.

4. As an athlete, how do you prioritize self-care and avoid burnout during busy seasons?

I maintain self-care regardless of how busy my schedule is. Spending time in prayer and reflection, studying scripture, and simply sitting quietly with worship music playing is my sanctuary. It allows me to de-stress and find mental peace amidst chaos. Social connection is also vital to me, whether grabbing ice cream with friends or indulging in my passion for cooking. 

Prioritizing activities I enjoy helps me unwind and recharge. Additionally, I understand the importance of prioritizing rest. Whether it’s a quick nap or simply switching off my phone and taking dedicated me-time allows me to be present and function optimally for myself and the people I care about. Just like airplane safety instructions emphasize putting on your mask first, I’ve learned that taking care of myself is essential for effectively supporting others. 


5. Do you have any pre-competition rituals or routines that you follow?

My pre-competition rituals are centered around prayer and visualization. I spend time seeking guidance and strength from God. Then, I engage in vivid mental imagery. I picture myself executing the perfect jump, focusing on the distance, the runway approach, and my technique. This visualization helps solidify the ideal performance in my mind.

To maintain focus, I minimize social interaction before competitions. Once, my desire for isolation even led me to stay entirely within my hotel room. Relaxation is key, and I strived to maintain a calm state.

6. Have you had any mentors along the way? Could you share about them and their influence in your life?

My late coach remains the most profound mentor I’ve ever encountered. His unique blend of humor, discipline, and understanding left an indelible mark on my life. He was a calming presence, respected within the Nigerian Coaching Federation, and everyone knew he practically adopted me. He was a father figure in my life and his influence is unmatched.

While I haven’t found another individual who fully replicates his impact in the athletic world, I seek mentorships in other aspects of my life. I approach it cautiously. I am aware that even inspiring figures have flaws. Instead, I observe individuals from afar, gleaning valuable lessons from their successes and setbacks.

Though not an athlete, my older brother is also a mentor for me. His diverse knowledge and unwavering support, even regarding athletic anxieties, have been invaluable. He encourages me with the enthusiasm of a teammate.

7. What has been the greatest challenge in your journey and how did you overcome it?

I faced multiple challenges in my journey. They are a combination of personal loss, injury, and unexpected setbacks.

The first is losing my coach in 2020. It felt like losing a pillar of support, especially during the pandemic and family struggles. Finding solace in my faith in Jesus and the kindness of a friend helped me regain my footing.

The second is a debilitating back injury in 2021. Despite facing limitations for months, I persevered and achieved remarkable success that year, winning the National Championships and qualifying for the Olympics in both the long jump and triple jump–a historic first for a Nigerian athlete.

A crushing disappointment followed my jump at Texas Tech. The measured distance was declared a mistake, erasing the potential NCAA record and the media frenzy surrounding it. This experience triggered mental hurdles, and taking time and self-reflection helped me overcome them. 

The final blow came at the 2021 Olympics. Despite rigorous training, a testing irregularity excluded ten of us from the Nigerian team, a decision completely beyond our control. Though I looked strong in front of my teammates but I slowly slipped into depression when I got back home from the Olympics games village. The support of my friends, family, my church, and my faith in Jesus helped me navigate this darkness and emerge stronger.

 Leaping Over Hurdles Ruth Usoro's Journey to the Olympics

8. Outside of knowing your priorities, which two characteristics helped you maintain the discipline to get to a point where you qualified for the Olympics?

My unwavering faith in God is a constant source of strength and motivation. It reminds me that setbacks are temporary and there’s always a bigger purpose. Additionally, a deep understanding of my journey and a burning desire to reach my full potential fuel my daily grind. Knowing where I’ve come from and the heights I strive for keeps me focused and disciplined, even when faced with challenges.

Secondly, I surround myself with like-minded people who share my values and goals. These supportive friends hold me accountable, nudge me back on track when I falter, and celebrate my victories. Their presence fosters a sense of responsibility, reminding me that I inspire others and must lead by example. This positive influence creates a powerful support system that keeps me disciplined and motivated to achieve my dreams.

9. What is that one quote or mantra that resonates with who you are?

My guiding principle is from the Bible, Matthew 19:26: “With God, all things are possible”. This resonates deeply with me because it reminds me that even in the face of challenges and setbacks, I have the potential to overcome anything with unwavering faith in God. It empowers me to dream big and push beyond perceived limitations, knowing that God’s grace can lead me to achieve the seemingly impossible. 

10. What is the one piece of advice that you would like to give to your younger self?

To my younger self, I’d say: Embrace fearlessness. Don’t shy away from new experiences and challenges. Stepping out of your comfort zone is where growth happens. Surround yourself with positive, supportive people who believe in you and inspire you to be your best. Most importantly, hold onto your faith in God. He is your anchor, your source of strength, and a constant reminder that anything is possible with unwavering belief.

Remember, even when things get tough, keep moving forward. Like that grueling workout, even if you crawl to the finish line, the important thing is never to give up. Challenges are not meant to break you, but to make you stronger and more resilient. With faith and perseverance, you can overcome anything. 


Ruth Usoro’s story embodies the power of unwavering faith, passion, and determination. Each hurdle became a stepping stone, propelling her to conquer the world and leave a lasting impact on those around her. 


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