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Unlocking My Potential: Aashna Duggal’s Journey with Girl Power Talk

Author: Aashna Duggal


    • Aashna found Girl Power Talk during the pandemic. The company resonated with her mission, and she applied for a content writer position.
    • The unique application process and warmth experienced during interviews set a different tone for her journey.
    • She evolved into leadership roles in the PR department, expanding her skills beyond law.
    • She recognized the need for a legal department at Girl Power Talk and spearheaded its formation and growth.
    • Her evolution as an expert witness involved overcoming challenges and embracing the practical application of legal knowledge.

Growing up, I was somewhere between an introvert and an extrovert. I was selective with friends and took the time to open up to new people. Although I was aware of and confident in my skills, I lacked the knowledge on how to leverage them and turn them into opportunities. Little did I know that my decision to join Girl Power Talk would be a turning point in my life.


Discovering Girl Power Talk

At the height of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2021, I was seeking new directions amidst the chaos. College had shifted to a virtual world, giving me more time on my hands than I knew what to do with. So, I began searching for internships with a particular interest in writing. I was a law student, deeply immersed in researching and writing law-related articles. While my legal studies were fulfilling, I yearned to broaden my writing skills and explore themes beyond the legal realm.

One day, as I was scrolling through internship listings, I came across a content writer position at Girl Power Talk, an organization with a mission that resonated with me. Their commitment to providing merit-based opportunities for young individuals to realize their full potential was like a beacon of hope during those uncertain times. The job description aligned perfectly with my interests, and I wasted no time in applying. Their questionnaire reeled me in even deeper. It prompted me to reflect on my favorite book, my passions, my strengths, and even my weaknesses. It was more than just a formality; it was an opportunity for me to rediscover myself.

As I filled out the questionnaire, I realized that Girl Power Talk was different from every other organization I had encountered. It was an organization that genuinely wanted to know what made me unique. That moment was my epiphany. I knew I wanted to be part of such an organization that valued individuality and set a high standard for personal growth.

Transforming Expectations

The interview process was unlike any I had experienced before. While I expected a formal and intimidating affair, my first interview with Sameer Somal, one of the co-founders, left me pleasantly surprised. Even through a Zoom call, I could feel the warmth and genuine interest in getting to know me as a person, not just an applicant. There were technical hiccups during the interview, and I remember feeling embarrassed, fearing that I had wasted their time. However, their understanding and friendly demeanor further assured me that Girl Power Talk was different.

When I eventually joined the team, I was a bit skeptical. It seemed too good to be true, and I questioned if there was more beneath the surface. However, as I delved deeper into the Girl Power Talk community, I realized that my skepticism was unfounded. The warmth and support I experienced from the team shattered my initial expectations of a typical work environment. I have since formed meaningful friendships that extend beyond work.


Stepping into Leadership Positions

One of the most significant transformations in my journey at Girl Power Talk was my perception of a “boss.” I had always associated bosses with strict and formal individuals, but working closely with the senior leadership at Girl Power Talk gave me a new perspective. They were more than bosses; they were mentors and friends who believed in my potential and supported my growth.

With time, I transitioned from being solely a content writer to various leadership roles. I worked in the PR department and became its co-lead. As part of the team, I managed key client projects and trained other team members. This hands-on experience helped me grow not only as a writer but also as a leader and professional in the field of public relations.

Additionally, I have been able to expand my horizons through keynote presentations. My first engagement, in October 2022 with Sameer, focused on the future of networking at Amity University in India. This opened doors to other speaking opportunities, such as addressing a college society on disability laws, participating in a podcast episode hosted by a college society on women empowerment, and presenting at a speaker boot camp hosted by Girl Power Talk. Notably, I did a presentation at an educational center, guiding young minds on stream and career choices.

I also have the honor of participating in Girl Power Talk’s People We Admire feature and Blue Ocean Global Technology interviews, where I get to meet and learn from industry experts and individuals making a difference in the world. 

Leading the Legal Department and Becoming an Expert Witness

As I grew within the organization and progressed in law school, I recognized the need for a legal department at Girl Power Talk to handle the increasing number of expert witness opportunities that came our way. With the backing of senior leadership, I played a pivotal role in creating the department from scratch. This propelled me to become the Director of Legal and Research at Girl Power Talk and our sister company, Blue Ocean Global Technology. What started as a small team of four has now grown into a formidable force of 15 individuals, all united by our passion for law and making the world a better place.

My journey as an expert witness was initially intimidating, beginning just four months after joining Girl Power Talk. It started with a high-profile case that required meticulous legal research and attention to detail. Despite my initial apprehension, I eagerly embraced the opportunity. What made this experience particularly remarkable was the trust and responsibility that Sameer placed upon me right from the start. As the only lawyer on the team at the time, I was entrusted with the legal research portion of the report, which would significantly influence the case’s outcome. This was equal parts exciting and daunting.


As I eased into the role, I experienced tremendous personal and professional growth. I closely monitored and absorbed every learning opportunity that came my way. My understanding of what it takes to be an expert witness evolved significantly. I realized that it was far more than theoretical knowledge; it was about applying that knowledge in a practical, real-world context. I learned that it required not only in-depth knowledge but also qualities such as objectivity, unbiased judgment, and the ability to meet clients’ expectations. Overall, being an expert witness demands effort, time, patience, dedication, and continuous learning. 

Despite the challenges and toil, I find immense satisfaction and fulfillment in the role. I have gotten the chance to engage and collaborate with other attorneys, interact with clients, lead research teams, and even co-author reports with seasoned professionals like Sameer. Reflecting on my experience, I eagerly anticipate the growth and learning that future opportunities as an expert witness will bring.

Final Thoughts

My advice to those considering joining Girl Power Talk or a similar organization would be to believe in yourself and your abilities. Step out of your comfort zone because that’s where growth happens. Surround yourself with mentors and colleagues who support your development, and never stop learning.

My transformation within Girl Power Talk reflects the organization’s commitment to empowering the next generation of leaders to reach their full potential. As I continue to lead the Legal Department and contribute to Girl Power Talk’s mission of changing the world, my favorite quote, “Empowerment is not about proving your worth, but realizing it,” encapsulates the essence of my journey at this incredible organization.


Aashna’s journey at Girl Power Talk is a testament to personal and professional growth, emphasizing the organization’s commitment to empowering young leaders. Her trajectory from a law student seeking direction to an expert witness and Director of Legal and Research showcases the transformative potential of mentorship, support, and embracing new opportunities.

Aashna Duggal

Director, Legal and Research Aashna is a lawyer and an expert witness specializing in defamation, employment, gender diversity, and damages. She is the Director of Legal & Research at Blue Ocean Global Technology. With an acute focus on United States domiciled legal cases, her responsibilities include leading public relations, strategic partnerships, and litigation consulting engagements. Aashna is committed to championing women's legal rights and mentoring tomorrow’s leaders through Girl Power Talk. She is an active member of the American Bar Association (ABA).


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