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How Do Women Differ From Men in Their Use of Leadership Styles?



  • The Diversity of Men and Women Leadership Styles
  • The Characteristics of a Female Leader
  • The Characteristics of Male Leaders
  • Why Both Leadership Styles of Men and Women Are Needed in The Workplace

Are There Gender-Based Leadership Styles?

The concept of leadership has evolved throughout history, revealing a diversity of effective styles. Men and women demonstrate unique leadership styles in how they effectively manage workplaces.

This article explores the fascinating subject of leadership styles. And how the distinctiveness of men’s and women’s leadership approaches form the foundation for creativity and resourcefulness in the workplace.

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How do Women Lead Differently Than Men?

Men and women in leadership positions are different in terms of how they communicate and make decisions. We will be discussing below and throughout the article how women lead differently than men. And that doesn’t mean that one party is better than the other, but to demonstrate that men and women have unique and much-needed leadership qualities.

These qualities are needed to ensure business growth and team building, not competition and taking each other’s place, but to collaborate and use the uniqueness of each aspect to complete each other.

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6 Characteristics of a Female Leader

The list below involves 6 qualities of female leaders and describes how they impact their organizations in both personal and professional aspects:

1. Self Confidence

Successful women in leadership roles are self-confident, which does not mean they don’t face self-doubts or second thoughts. But it means they fight imposter syndrome and overcome the obstacles they face by asserting themselves and believing in their capabilities. By being self-confident, female leaders bring innovative ideas to the table and strive towards reaching their career goals. 

2. Empathy

Understanding and relating to the emotions of others is what empathy entails. This skill is vital in modern workplaces, where problems like work-related depression and anxiety are on the rise. Women, known for their innate empathy, excel as leaders by valuing and acknowledging their team’s emotions and feelings.

3. Empowering Others

Women in leadership are known for their ability to inspire and empower others capacity to empower and uplift others for growth assuming leadership positions themselves. They actively advocate for each other’s rights, recognizing that fostering teamwork is fundamental to their roles.

4. Female leaders are Mindful

Women tend to pay attention to details and have a knack for introspection and analysis. Their interest in practices like meditation, mindfulness, and yoga helps them become more thoughtful and present in their daily lives.

5. Self-awareness

Self-awareness is the act of understanding who you are as a unique individual. This means perceiving your motives and purposes and how they shape your character and influence your actions and behavior. 

Successful leaders are aware of both their strengths and limitations which makes them great decision-makers and helps them react healthily when they experience stress or unsettlement. 

6. Humility

Female leaders tend to be more humble, which is an underestimated leadership quality. They exert efforts not just for themselves but for the greater good of their workplace. They take responsibility for their actions, learn from their mistakes, and find the right balance between humility and self-assurance.  

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6 Characteristics of Male Leaders

On the other hand, male leaders possess the following characteristics of their leadership style:

1. Rationality

Unlike women, male leaders are more rational than emotional. Having a balance between rationality and emotions is crucial for successful leadership. Clear thinking and good decision-making are vital qualities, but emotional intelligence is also essential for business success.

2. Result orientedness

Men tend to focus more on the outcomes of their performance and work rather than focusing on the process and the growth of their team. They take it as a competition to ensure that their team outperforms the teams of other organizations. 

That can be a good motivation for dedication and hard work. However, if it goes too far, it will create an unhealthy environment at their workplace and, therefore, will have a detrimental impact on their workplaces. 

3. Risk Taking

According to a journal published by the British Psychological Society, men tend to be more risk-takers than women, because, unlike women, they have high levels of optimism. Risk-taking is an imperative yet tricky quality of a leader, it requires good sageness and discernment, otherwise, it will cause severe repercussions. 

4. Mentorship and Coaching

Male leaders are usually great coaches and mentors. They are great at taking the time to help and train their team members. Not to mention motivating and helping them with their projects. 

Guiding and mentoring your team members is crucial for ensuring your firm’s growth and uniqueness. 

5. Direct Communication

Direct communication style involves giving clear instructions to your team members on how to perform certain tasks and providing honest feedback and assessment of their performance. 

Open and straightforward communication capitalizes on what’s good and what needs improvement on the team’s side. Constructive criticism is the best option in this case because it involves acknowledging your team’s efforts in the first place. 

6. Strictness

Male leaders are much more strict than female leaders when it comes to making mistakes and underperforming. They usually don’t forgive their subordinates for their shortcomings. Strictness is an important quality to running a workplace, but so is compassion for leading your team and offering solutions to their problems. 

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There are no correct or incorrect answers regarding how men and women lead, and there are no consistent criteria for the leadership styles of women and men. Because this depends on various factors like age, genetics, race, etc. However, the common ground is for male and female leaders to learn from each other and collaborate for the growth of their team.


What Are the Most Common Leadership Styles Associated with Gender?

Men tend to focus more on overall performance, transactional leadership, coaching, and team development. While women are usually more nurturing in terms of relationships, cooperation, and emotional intelligence. 

What Role do Mentorship and Leadership Development Play in Fostering Diverse leadership Styles?

Mentorship and leadership development play an important role in:

  1. Cultivating a psychologically safe work environment
  2. Enhancing critical skills for career development
  3. Navigating new aspects of embracing diversity and inclusion. 

How do Gender-based Leadership Styles Influence Team Performance?

No definitive answers exist on how women differ from men in their use of leadership styles, as it is influenced by factors such as age, genetics, and race. The key is for male and female leaders to exchange knowledge and work together to enhance their team’s development.


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