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Family and Career: Alicia Etheredge-Brown’s Journey of Balance and Empowerment


  • Chase your dreams and at least try, as trying is already winning.
  • To find balance in your life, prioritize taking breaks and having some time to yourself.
  • Try new things and tap into your vast talents to create your destiny.
  • Entrepreneurship is a team effort in which it’s important to support and let your team support you as a leader.

1. We understand that you were born into an entrepreneurial family, and thus your entrepreneurial mindset has been ingrained in you since childhood. Please tell us more about your childhood and particular things or experiences that influenced who you are today.

My childhood shaped the person I am today in a big way. School and higher learning were very important for my parents, who both have master’s degrees. Coming from an educated and driven family inspired me to work hard, pursue higher education, and learn and try many things, which were all very integral in figuring out my passions and the things I was good at. I was exposed to the entrepreneurial mindset at a young age (around five or six years old) when I would accompany my father to his board meetings as the president of our HOA (Homeowner Association), a board to help others when there were issues; money needed to be given into certain areas to keep our communities and schools safe; or simple things that needed to be fixed in the homes. Seeing everyone sit down, hit the hammer, and communicate as a unit about helping families in our community was very educational for me, and instilled the thought that I could make a difference.

I have always been driven to get things done, which led me to become a producer. I have always loved theater and, when I was young, I auditioned for a local community play. Unfortunately, we didn’t have enough funds to produce it as we wanted, but I took the initiative to fundraise and find ways to get the necessary investment, including going door-to-door in my neighborhood and asking for donations to produce the play. My mindset was: If you believe in something and want it to happen, you have to figure out a way to do that. So, entrepreneurship came in many ways for me, and those are just examples of what was instilled in me at a very young age. I hope others will be inspired to follow their dreams and at least try, as trying is already winning.


2. What does a typical day in your life look like?

It’s quite busy, and to tell you the truth, it looks like everything I’ve dreamed of. I get to spend time with my kids and be home with them, which is very important to me as a mother. I meditate before starting my day to help my attitude and responses during the day. Then, I help my kids prepare for school — we sing and make lunch together, and I try to ensure they feel good before going to school. I work with a small but dedicated team to manage my schedule and prioritize tasks. My team helps me stay organized and get projects done. My day may include meetings, work at the office or on set, and traveling. After work, at times I can be there for my kids’ activities but I also get help from my family. My mom and my sister, Kim, are a great help to me. When I have to travel for work, I try to make it a family trip as much as possible. My team and family support are essential for my day to be accomplished and for me to balance work and family. My day can shift whether I’m in town or out of town, but either way teamwork and meetings are very important; whether it’s a conference call, a Zoom, or in person, coordination is the key to managing my day-to-day.

3. How do you balance investing in yourself with investing in your relationships with other people?

My goal is to find balance in all aspects of life. As a celebrity’s wife, it’s important to make sure I don’t get lost in that world. I am glad that I had my own life experience before marriage, which is a gift because I understood myself before marrying my husband, Bobby, and so I wanted our worlds to collide respectfully. I feel very strongly about being a pillar as an individual and then joining with another pillar to create a stronger bond rather than having my marriage define me or silence my voice. This was an important factor in my and Bobby’s decision to become partners. He understood and respected this beforehand as he acknowledges and supports a woman’s strength.

I practice daily meditation as a part of my wellness routine to quiet my mind and remember who I am and what I need. As a mother, wife, business owner, or student, it’s easy to forget about self-care. I try to take retreats every 3-4 months to focus on myself and my own needs. For instance, I will be going on a retreat in Costa Rica in March, where I will disconnect from devices, and focus on physical and mental wellness and spiritual connection. It’s important to remember to take time for yourself, whether it’s a walk or a retreat, to prevent burnout and anxiety.

4.  As a woman in business, and particularly in the entertainment industry, what are some of the challenges you have experienced in your journey and career — how did you overcome them?

I faced some challenges in the entertainment industry as a woman, particularly when starting at a record label where all the department heads were male. It was intimidating to speak up, and it felt like my input didn’t matter until I was asked for it—and that was a huge struggle for me. I was raised in a home where speaking your mind was valued. My father was a very strong-willed man and, in the same way, he raised two strong-willed girls to speak their minds. The culture at the label didn’t work well for me for very long. As soon as this one woman was able to start her label, I immediately wanted to work for her. I wanted to be around her: to inspire, support, and just give her that “you’ve got this” feeling in whatever she needed. I’ve always been drawn to working for or being around empowered women, and have had positive experiences working for women who were confident and took charge. I still encounter sexist attitudes from male colleagues, but I just keep moving and doing my best. I don’t compromise transparency and honest communication. Both men and women should embrace their feminine and masculine abilities. As a professional, I believe my best qualities are active listening and understanding my clients’ needs. Being balanced doesn’t mean being strong all the time but embracing sensitivity and kindness. As a mother, I appreciate the nurturing and intuitive aspects of motherhood. We should acknowledge and embrace these qualities rather than suppress them. We can become stronger by working on ourselves and addressing small issues.


5. What achievement are you proudest of?

I am proudest of being a mother. I became one at 35 after traveling the world and pursuing my career. I knew from a young age that I wanted to have children but felt I needed to focus on my personal growth before settling down. Becoming a mother was everything I imagined and more, but I also realized that I had personal goals and aspirations beyond motherhood. I wanted to improve myself and take the time to appreciate the little things in life. I learned this through observation and experience and now strive to live in a state of gratitude and contentment with what I have, recognizing that everything else is a bonus.

6. We all know that the entertainment world is a very competitive and changing industry. How do you maintain your success in this fast-paced environment?

I am often asked how I manage to do everything I do. I attribute it to the grace of God and the belief that I have something to contribute. I am passionate about what I do and follow my intuition and heart. I have found that I am good at managing and creating careers, but I am now also enjoying producing television, films, and documentaries. I am currently transitioning and trusting myself to learn and grow in this new direction. I am also fortunate to have a good support system and am surrounded by people I respect and want to emulate. I believe in speaking things into existence and using meditation and prayer to manifest my goals. I am excited to be working on new projects and expanding my skills and abilities. My ultimate goal is to be an inspiration to my children and other people and to encourage them to try new things and tap into their vast talents to create their destinies.


7. Have you made any mistakes in your career? If yes, could you please share your biggest mistake and what you learned from it?

I’ve made many mistakes in my career, but that’s part of the learning curve. One specific example is when I didn’t trust my instincts and hired a tour manager who didn’t work well with my artists. It was a disaster and I should have trusted my gut feeling. I corrected the mistake quickly and took responsibility for it. I learned to trust my intuition more in the future. Making mistakes is just a part of learning and growing in any job or field. I also believe in learning different aspects of the industry, even if you don’t plan to work in that specific role, to better understand and appreciate the work of others.

8. Do you have any personal mantras or affirmations that you follow when making important decisions?

I use affirmations and mantras to deal with anxiety. I read soul-searching books, mantras from Shamans, and daily affirmations from my Reverend. I remind myself that I am enough and that God is always covering me. I also practice gratitude, read about the Buddha, and am drawn to positive reinforcement from others. Using affirmations helped me quit smoking by writing down why I didn’t want to smoke and carrying those affirmations with me. I would read them when I wanted a cigarette and eventually, I didn’t want one anymore. I find it helpful to say affirmations out loud to myself in the mirror or when I am alone in my car. It helps me push through challenging times.


9. What advice would you give someone who wants to follow your career path, particularly as an entrepreneur?

I’m inspired by Gen Z and their forward-thinking attitudes. They have already made significant contributions to the world through the use of digital platforms, advocacy for human rights, and advancements in various fields such as medicine and science. I encourage them to continue being passionate and driven and to think creatively and collaboratively in order to achieve their goals. Entrepreneurship is a team effort, and it’s important to support and be supported by others.


We may play many different roles throughout our lives, which is okay because, as Alicia emphasizes, we can be good at many things and are allowed to pursue everything that our heart desires. However, finding balance in the different aspects of our lives is of utmost importance for success and ensuring that you remain healthy, happy, and able to spend time on yourself and others. Lean on your support system as much as you need and prioritize self-care, taking breaks, and spending time with your loved ones. Keep moving forward and stay true to yourself. There will be obstacles along your journey, but you can learn from them and be better.

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