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Dr. Katie Le: Bridging Healing and Investment in Real Estate



  • From health complications to becoming a caregiver, Dr. Katie’s journey from chiropractic care to finance underscores resilience amidst life’s challenges.
  • Emphasizing community impact in large multifamily real estate, she prioritizes tenant well-being and fosters a sense of belonging.
  • Dr. Katie advocates for empathy and teamwork, aiming to redefine leadership norms in a male-dominated industry while driving philanthropic initiatives.
  • Beyond business success, Dr. Katie and her husband’s Pham Legacy Foundation focus on healthcare and education in underserved communities, reflecting their true commitment to social impact and change.

1. What motivated your shift from chiropractic care to real estate, and how do you see these fields intersecting despite their differences?

My journey has been a composition of unexpected twists and profound resilience. After earning my doctorate at 26, life did not unfold as I had imagined. Meeting my husband and unexpectedly becoming pregnant with our twin daughters changed my plans. This came as a startling revelation given my previous medical challenges, including a surgery that significantly reduced my chances of conceiving. Shortly after, my husband and I were involved in a devastating accident that left my husband fighting for his life, derailing my career plans as I became his caregiver.

We hit rock bottom, facing financial struggles and personal hardships. But our determination and entrepreneurial spirit led us to San Antonio, where we made a bold decision to invest everything we had in a seafood restaurant. Despite our lack of experience, our relentless work ethic and unwavering perseverance saw us through. Slowly, our restaurant started to flourish. We fortunately expanded to a chain of eight.

Now, as the co-founder of Hi-Level Capital, a real estate investment firm, I help busy professionals make their money work for them to maximize their financial potential through strategic investments. Our journey isn’t just about success; it’s about buying back time for what matters the most to us: our family.


2. Given your chiropractic background, do you specialize in any specific niches within the real estate market?

At Hi Level Capital, we focus on large multifamily assets, where we identify lucrative opportunities to execute our value add strategy, ensure promising returns, offer tax advantages, and capital preservation. We are dedicated to enhancing communities and creating meaningful impact. We believe in transforming properties into more than just living spaces – striving to build homes and foster a sense of belonging for our residents.

With a people-first approach, we prioritize the well-being of our tenants. Our aim is to enhance the living experience and promote tenant retention by listening to tenant feedback and implementing effective improvements.

Community engagement is the key to our strategy. We host monthly events and initiatives to bring residents together, building a sense of community and connection. Our goal is not only to generate cash flow but also to make a positive difference in the lives of those we serve, one property at a time.

3. How do you believe you have redefined leadership within your organization as a co-founder and a successful leader?

Embracing leadership as a woman in a male-dominated industry has been an empowering journey for me. I see my gender as a unique advantage rather than a disadvantage. Walking into rooms where I am often the only woman automatically sets me apart, but how I leverage this distinction truly matters. Women often work twice as hard to achieve recognition and success; this dedication becomes our superpower, a testament to our resilience and determination. Women’s emotional intelligence and empathy give them a competitive edge over men, typically in male-dominated fields like commercial real estate investment. 

As a leader, I prioritize taking care of my team and fostering a positive work culture. I lead by example and believe in working alongside my team rather than above them. By treating my team members with respect and support, we have cultivated an environment where everyone thrives.

Beyond our business success, my husband and I are committed philanthropists. We believe that our success is invaluable if we cannot use it to help others. Through our foundation, the Pham Legacy Foundation, we focus on making a meaningful impact in underserved communities, particularly in Asia. From orphanages to elderly centers in remote villages, we provide essential support and resources to those in need. Recently, we have directed our efforts toward addressing critical healthcare needs in Vietnam, where access to medical care is often limited. With the funds we have raised, we have provided life-saving treatments to those who couldn’t afford them otherwise, making a tangible difference in their lives.

Our philanthropic work fuels our sense of purpose and drives us to create a positive ripple effect in the world. It’s a reminder that success isn’t just about personal achievements but also about making a meaningful impact on the lives of others.

4. What pivotal moments or experiences have shaped your leadership style, and how do you approach leadership as a result?

Leadership isn’t only about being the figure at the top, but rather about inspiring and empowering others to achieve collective success. In my experience of running multiple businesses, I have always taken on a leadership role, not as a boss, but as a team member who sets the tone for positivity and productivity. I greet my team with a smile and positive energy every day because I’m aware that as a leader, my attitude influences the entire team. Even on the toughest days, I maintain composure and reassure my team that we will overcome challenges together.

Whether it’s managing a restaurant or leading a team in real estate, my approach to prioritizing the well-being of my team remains consistent. I am not the type of leader to give orders from above; instead, I roll up my sleeves and work alongside my team, earning their respect and loyalty. I firmly believe that a successful business is built on a foundation of trust, respect, and mutual support within the team. By treating my team members well and fostering a positive work environment, we all thrive together and achieve success as a collective effort.


5. How do you distinguish yourself and your company from others, and also ensure that your philanthropic efforts truly have an impact?

We have always believed in the power of giving back. From our humble beginnings, we made it a practice to share our blessings, whether it was giving toys to orphanages during Christmas or providing meals to families in need during Thanksgiving. We have never hesitated to use our resources to help the affected people even when disasters struck, like the hurricanes in Texas or the freezing temperatures during winter storms.

Our approach to philanthropy has always been about making a genuine impact, not seeking publicity. We moved quietly for years, knowing that our actions spoke louder than words. However, as the need for our assistance grew, we realized the potential to expand our reach with the help of others. This led to the establishment of our foundation, allowing us to leverage the support of our community to make an even greater difference. The response to our call for assistance exceeded our expectations, demonstrating the collective power of compassion. With the funds raised, we were able to provide critical medical treatments to those in need and save lives in the process. It was a profound realization of the impact we could achieve together.

While we’ve only recently shared our philanthropic efforts publicly, our commitment to making a difference has been steadfast for years. Moving forward, we’re determined to continue expanding our reach and making a positive impact globally. It’s not about recognition; it’s about making a meaningful difference in the lives of others.


6. Did you have a mentor in your career, and what key lessons did you learn from them?

Having a mentor who sees your potential and guides you toward success is truly invaluable. For years, I have played the role of mentor to my staff, helping them realize their capabilities and guiding them toward their goals. Witnessing their growth and transformation has been incredibly rewarding, as it is a testament to the impact of mentorship. However, it was not until recently that I found a mentor who inspired and guided me in the same way. This mentor is a prominent figure in the real estate industry, and she embodies qualities such as humility, generosity, and a commitment to making a positive impact, that I truly admire. Aligning with her values and goals, I reached out for guidance, not expecting much in return. To my surprise, she responded promptly and agreed to meet. In just 30 minutes, she saw something in me and my husband that led her to take us under her wing. Since then, she has provided invaluable support and guidance, connecting us with the right people and sharing her expertise.

Her willingness to invest her time and energy in our success, without expecting anything in return, is truly remarkable. With her guidance, we’ve been pushed out of our comfort zones, faced our fears, and embraced our setbacks as opportunities for growth. Through her mentorship, we have gained crucial knowledge, learned the importance of sharing our stories, both the triumphs and the struggles. By speaking openly about our journey, we inspire others to persevere and take control of their lives. Our mentor has taught us to turn our pain into power and our power into purpose.

We are incredibly grateful to have such a mentor and friend in our lives, and we count our blessings every day. Her guidance has been transformative, allowing us to reach new heights and make a meaningful difference in the world.


7. How do you balance being a mom to twin daughters and your professional life, and what is your idea of taking a break to refresh and rejuvenate?

Finding balance amidst a busy life is indeed a monumental task, but it is crucial to prioritize what matters most. For me, being a mother is not just a role, but my greatest accomplishment and responsibility. It is a role that I cherish above all else. While managing my professional endeavors, I always ensure that my children come first. This means prioritizing their needs and being fully present in their lives. While I am a full-time businesswoman, I’m also a full-time mom and wife, taking care of household duties and preparing home-cooked meals by choice.

Taking care of myself is another priority because I understand that I need to be at my best to take care of my family. So, I carve out time for self-care and ensure that I’m physically and mentally well. It’s a delicate balance, but when I find peace within myself, everything else falls into place easily. I value being fully present in the moment with my children deeply. I make a conscious effort to disconnect from distractions and focus on building memories with my family, whether it is spending time with my children after school or enjoying vacations together. These moments are precious and irreplaceable, and I want to cherish them to the fullest.

Ultimately, finding balance is about finding peace within oneself and all aspects of life. When you are at peace with yourself and your choices, balancing the demands of work and family becomes more manageable. It is a journey, but one that is worth pursuing for the sake of a fulfilling and harmonious life.

8. Do you have a favorite book or quote to share?

In terms of quotes, one of my favorites is, “Nourish your mind before you nourish your wallet.” It underscores the importance of prioritizing mental growth alongside financial success. Investing in personal development, embracing values and morals, and cultivating an open mind and heart are crucial aspects of this journey.

Another mantra I live by is, “You don’t have to achieve success to be charitable, but you do need to be charitable to achieve success.” This highlights the reciprocal relationship between giving back and achieving one’s goals. It’s a principle that guides my actions and shapes my purpose in life.

Speaking of books, I recently authored a #1 bestselling book titled “Powerful Female Immigrants Who Inspire Greatness.” This book shares my story, my struggles and triumphs, which is more than just a personal narrative; it’s a platform for change. All proceeds from its sales will support a foundation aiding children who are victims of trafficking in Asia, aligning with my commitment to meaningful philanthropy. 

Another book that deeply resonates with me is “Man’s Search For Meaning” by Viktor Frankl. It details a holocaust survivor’s horrifying experiences in Nazi concentration camps, along with his psychological approach, which is what helped him survive and shows you how you can –and must– find meaning in your life. Frankl’s unwavering resilience and determination inspire me to overcome obstacles and maintain a steadfast belief in myself. It is a mindset that I carry with me daily, reminding me that with perseverance and self-belief, anything is possible.

9. What are your hobbies and passions outside of work and how do you spend your free time?

Finding balance in life is essential for being the best version of oneself, both personally and professionally. I must prioritize self-care and well-being to lead others effectively. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, both mentally and physically, is crucial for me. I’m mindful about regular exercise and nutritious eating habits, making time for workouts four times a week. Exercise is my sacred time to recharge and serves as my therapy as it helps in releasing stress and feeling rejuvenated.

Beyond fitness, my family and I are avid travelers. Exploring new places, meeting diverse people, and immersing ourselves in different cultures bring us immense joy. Rather than just telling our children about the world, we prefer to show them firsthand. We cherish moments spent camping in nature, disconnected from technology, and being fully present with each other.

By prioritizing self-care and quality time with my loved ones, I bring my best self to every aspect of my life, be it as a mom, a wife, or a leader.

10. What was your biggest challenge as a co-founder and how have you overcome it?

Navigating the current real estate market presents significant challenges. While deals are still available, we have adopted a more cautious approach to ensure that we invest in opportunities that align with our strict criteria. Despite the market offering discounted properties from distressed sellers, we meticulously underwrite each deal to safeguard our investors’ capital.

Our focus remains on identifying “stone-cold” deals that exceed our rigorous standards. This commitment to due diligence and conservative underwriting allows us to maintain financial security and deliver on our business strategy. Although securing these exceptional deals has proven challenging, our dedication to excellence remains unwavering as we navigate the evolving landscape of real estate investment.

11. Is there something you dread about your work? How do you cope with it and stay focused?

Every morning, I greet the day with intention and gratitude, appreciating the opportunity to embrace what lies ahead. Even when faced with challenges, I find solace in knowing that every setback offers a chance for growth and self-discovery. Rather than viewing weaknesses as obstacles, I see them as stepping stones to improvement. I approach each day with optimism, ready to learn from every good or bad experience, with a mindset centered on resilience and gratitude.

12. Could you share some advice for young women who are looking to start their journey and become change-makers?

To embark on any endeavor, you need not start as the best. When I began, I was far from an expert, lacking complete knowledge of the business I entered. But through relentless effort and a commitment to learning, I evolved into a master of my craft. The key lies in recognizing your inner strengths and leveraging them to propel yourself forward. Even if your expertise doesn’t surpass that of your competitors initially, your dedication and work ethic will set you apart. While you may not outsmart them immediately, you can outwork them, paving the way for success.

Progress is often incremental, with each step laying the groundwork for the next. Embrace setbacks as opportunities for growth, understanding that true resilience is forged in adversity. It’s not about avoiding failure but about rising stronger each time you fall.

I stand as a testament to the power of perseverance, having overcome obstacles that seemed insurmountable. I have grown more fearless and determined with every hurdle conquered, driven by an unwavering belief in my abilities. Success isn’t a matter of “if” but “when.” By harnessing your inner strengths and pursuing your goals with unyielding determination, you can achieve anything you set your mind to. Trust your instincts, embrace your journey, and know that with each step forward, you are one step closer to realizing your dreams.

And remember, it’s not about being the best; it’s about being the best version of yourself. Your journey is uniquely yours, and your ability to overcome challenges and stay true to your path is what defines your greatness. Keep moving forward with purpose, and success will inevitably follow.


From overcoming adversity to prioritizing family and giving back, Dr. Katie exemplifies the essence of balanced leadership and personal fulfillment. Her journey serves as a beacon of inspiration, urging us to embrace challenges, cherish relationships, and pursue our aspirations with unwavering determination. As she continues to inspire positive change, her narrative stands as a powerful testament to the transformative impact of perseverance and self-belief.


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