February 18, 2024

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From Healing to Guiding: Sarah Reiter’s Journey of Creating Divine Femme



  • Sarah grew up in a dysfunctional family manifesting in counterproductive behavior in her relationships.
  • Growing and healing from those traumas required inner work which eventually led to her finding her purpose.
  • In finding her own voice, Sarah found the inspiration to create Divine Femme to guide other female entrepreneurs along the same path of discovery and success. 
  • By remaining dedicated to your dreams, you can fund your way even when it seems impossible.

1. What was your childhood like and how did it shape who you are today?

I grew up in a dysfunctional home that lacked stability and did not feel safe. My Dad was an alcoholic who was verbally, emotionally, and sometimes physically abusive. My Mom was unable to speak up for herself and was very passive, codependent, and silenced her voice. She was also emotionally unavailable. This had devastating effects on my self-esteem and impacted my confidence and sense of worthiness. This manifested as toxic cycles in adulthood as cycles of relationships where I was not supported or loved, my needs were unmet, and I was always over-giving or people-pleasing at my own expense. This also causes stress-related health issues in early adulthood. I was afraid to speak up for myself and/or have healthy standards and boundaries. It also manifested as sabotaging success, playing small, and being afraid of rejection/criticism which hindered my ability to step up as the leader I knew I was born to be.

2. What does a typical day in your life look like?

I live a very healthy and organic holistic lifestyle, in alignment with my purpose, sharing my messages/gifts with the world. My mornings are filled with fitness and self-care. I work from home as an entrepreneur so my days include spending time in nature/outdoors, going on walks with my fur babies, and creating in my business doing what I love which is empowering other women who struggle with toxic cycles of people-pleasing or over-giving, self-doubt, lack of confidence, and/or feelings of not being good enough to claim their feminine power, speak their truth, and create a life they love, on their own terms so they can shine in their highest authentic expression and divine confidence.

3. Tell us about your professional journey and how you got to the position you are in today.

Over 10 years I healed my wounded feminine heart and released old patterns of conditioning, pain, shame, and hurt by going inward and doing the inner work. In 2013, I experienced a profound spiritual awakening that led me on my journey of divine service. My journey started by sharing my teachings via writing a blog and videos on social media. Then over the years, I was guided to create a podcast and I started offering paid programs in 2019.

My professional career as a feminine embodiment and leadership coach launched when Covid hit in 2020 and I took that as an opportunity to quit my real estate career. I was divinely called once again to be of service, specifically to female entrepreneurs with a message and gift to share. I’ve since been mentoring female spiritual entrepreneurs on sharing their message, voice, and gift online to make a global impact while also helping them to create scalable businesses that offer freedom and flexibility. In 2022, Divine Femme was born and I now offer programs to women that center around feminine (and masculine) embodiment and leadership.

Image Credits: Divine Femme

4. Name one or several people you admire in history and tell us why. They could be living or have already passed.

Alan Watts, Eckart Tolle, Abraham Hicks. They have all dedicated their life to answering the call of divine service and serving the individual and collective consciousness of humanity.

5. Have you had any mentors along the way? Could you share about them and their influence in your life?

Yes, I have had several personal and business mentors and occasional healers. They have all supported me during very specific phases of my journey and provided me with exactly what I need at that time. I believe we are all guided and the right mentors will show up when we ask for them and are ready for transformation. I don’t believe as humans we are here to do it all on our own. We are great mirrors for each other providing exactly what the other needs.

6. What has been the greatest challenge in your journey and how did you overcome it?

Overcoming my people-pleasing tendencies and fear of speaking my truth. I went inward for years committed to do the inner work, shadow work, and heal from childhood traumas. This led me to fully embodying my feminine essence which allows me to be authentic. I also integrated my masculine energy that sets firm boundaries and makes it feel safe for my feminine essence to blossom.

7. How do you balance your work and personal life and what is one thing you enjoy doing in your free time?

I create my work around my lifestyle goals. I make sure my mornings and early afternoons are free so I have time for fitness and time outdoors in the morning. I take frequent breaks during the day. I often take 3 or 4 days, weekends and weeks off to travel. I’ve created an online business that allows me to have this flexibility. I enjoy nature, hiking, walking my dogs, yoga, travel and going out with friends. I also enjoy a lot of downtime and solitude.

8. What do you think is the biggest concern for global youth today and how do you think it could be solved?

Teaching and supporting young women to stand in their power and be authentic and confident from an early age is important. Females are stepping into leadership, business, entrepreneurship, etc and it’s important to help them move past insecurities at a young age so they can follow their dreams and make the impact they are here to make. Also, human connection, community, support, and authenticity is going to be important to cultivate as technology and AI continues to advance and changes the global landscape in regards to communication and how people interact. Women specifically thrive in a community and within connection.

9. Which are some ways in which you are creating a positive change in the world?

As a feminine embodiment and leadership coach I mentor emerging female entrepreneurs, leaders, change makers, artists, visionaries, and creatives on how to fully own their gift, share it with the world, and create thriving businesses that focus on creating the impact and freedom both personally and professionally. My mission is to empower, lead, and support soulful women to break toxic cycles of people-pleasing and claim their sovereignty as a divinely worthy woman so she can lead with unapologetic authenticity and confidence to magnetize the life and business she deserves with grace, ease, and flow!

10. What is a mantra that you live by and how does it help you on a daily basis?

Everything I go through is used for good. 

This has supported me in the darkest of times of transformation and healing because I know that as a wayshower and leader for other women that nothing happens by accident. This is what transmutes pain into purpose and provides a source of inner strength and resiliency that is rooted in faith and surrender.

11. If you were to give advice to young people aiming to follow your professional path, what would it be?

You are 100% guided and supported to do what lights you up. Follow your desires and know that even when things don’t appear to be working out, they are working out. It may not be on your egos time schedule, but if you are dedicated and committed to what your heart knows is possible for you, even and especially when it’s scary, you will achieve magical things in your life that you didn’t even know were possible. So, relax, and enjoy the process. You can not rush your divine purpose or calling.


Sarah Reiter’s journey is one of healing and working on yourself to find your true purpose. As a feminine embodiment and leadership coach, she is dedicated to helping women entrepreneurs, especially, move past their insecurities and find success.


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