Empowered Leaders

Celebrating Voices That Make a Difference

Unleashing the Power Within:
Your Story Matters, Your Voice Counts

We believe in the power of individuals who are creating impact and empowering others through their remarkable journeys. Our series, People We Admire for Girl Power Talk, aims to shine a spotlight on these exceptional leaders and share their inspiring stories of resilience, determination, and success.

We understand that everyone has a unique story to tell and a voice that deserves to be heard. We believe that by showcasing diverse perspectives and experiences, we can inspire others to embrace their own power and make a positive change in the world.

Whether you are a trailblazing entrepreneur, a visionary artist, a community activist, or someone who has overcome personal challenges, we want to hear from you.

We are eagerly looking forward to documenting your journey and sharing it with our passionate audience.


Touch a Life With Your Action

By featuring your interview or story on our platform, we aim to amplify your voice and showcase the incredible work you are doing. Together, we can inspire and uplift individuals from all walks of life, encouraging them to believe in their own potential and embrace the power within.

Read More Stories

Turning Obstacles Into Opportunities: Alexis Parker Educates for Change
The Impact of Childhood Finding Inspiration for A Career Finding Balance Before Work Exciting Changes in Education Implementing Change for Education The Philosophy of Teaching Advice for Other Aspiring Educators Mentors and Influences Personal Mantras Overview: Alexis Parker is an educator who is passionate about literature and the journey of self-discovery.  Finding herself lost through medical school, she found where her heart belongs in education.  Alexis loves the different perspectives authors bring to each piece of literature.  She enjoys doing [...]
A Mission and a Drive: Tina Schackman’s Journey of Financial Education
Who is Tina Schackman? Making a Place in a Male-Dominated Industry A “Boomerang” in the Company Advocating for the Best Interest of Others Preaching about Self-Care and Finding an Accountability Buddy Driven for Self, Driven for Others Overview: Tina Schackman introduces herself, the nature of her work, and what led her to pursue this career path. Expressing the lack of women representation in her industry in the early years of her career, she is, nevertheless, thankful to her male mentors [...]
Bridging Language Gap: Kailey Sweet’s Story on Transformative Translation and Interpretation
Shaping the Life and Career Path Fulfillment in Everyday’s Existence The Triad of Self-Definition Profound Gains from Bold Venture Nuggets of Wisdom for a Meaningful Life Overview: Bridging linguistic gaps enables effective communication between English and non-English speakers. Translating and interpreting contributes to promoting diversity and inclusivity, ensuring that non-English speakers have equitable access to education, health services, employment opportunities, legal resources, and various aspects of society. Careers in translation and interpretation require passion, commitment, and a vision for assisting [...]
Family and Career: Alicia Etheredge-Brown’s Journey of Balance and Empowerment
Early Influence of Education and Hard Work Finding Balance and Staying Grounded Overcoming Women Entrepreneurship Challenges Career, Purpose, and Personal Growth Advice for Aspiring Entrepreneurs Overview: Chase your dreams and at least try, as trying is already winning. To find balance in your life, prioritize taking breaks and having some time to yourself. Try new things and tap into your vast talents to create your destiny. Entrepreneurship is a team effort in which it's important to support and let your [...]
Empowering Entrepreneurs: The Journey of Paramjit Singh and RCED
Inception of RCED Early Challenges and Mentors Inclusion and Impact Lessons on Success and Failure Maintaining Work-Life Balance and Vision for the Future Overview: Paramjit Singh founded RCED in 1995 to provide entrepreneurship and skill training. RCED focuses on empowering youth and promoting economic growth through value addition and diversification. Collaboration with government ministries, corporates, and educational institutions enhances RCED's reach and impact. Despite challenges, including the COVID-19 pandemic, RCED remains committed to supporting entrepreneurs. Mr. Singh emphasizes the importance [...]
sarah reiter from healing to guiding
From Healing to Guiding: Sarah Reiter’s Journey of Creating Divine Femme
Overcoming Trauma and Finding Purpose Building a Career in Service Finding Balance Through Inner Work Breaking Cycles for Change Advice and Learnings Overview: Sarah grew up in a dysfunctional family manifesting in counterproductive behavior in her relationships. Growing and healing from those traumas required inner work which eventually led to her finding her purpose. In finding her own voice, Sarah found the inspiration to create Divine Femme to guide other female entrepreneurs along the same path of discovery and success.  [...]

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