December 22, 2024

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Why Is It Important to Spend Time With Yourself?



  • Alone time is essential, irrespective of your personality type. 
  • Among the many benefits of spending time with yourself, emotional and mental well-being is foremost.
  • Alone time does not mean that you start avoiding people. Balancing time for others and yourself is the key. 

Finding Solace in Solitude

Loneliness is often perceived as a negative state of being. Something that is not ideally preferred. However, as Brianna Wiest notes, loneliness is just an idea. A hundred people could surround you and yet feel alone. Similarly, you could be all alone and yet feel more connected. 

It is crucial to let go of the idea that aloneness is lonely. Loneliness could lead to emotional distress because of a lack of human interaction. But ‘solitude’ or the ‘state of being alone’ is a pleasant and voluntary choice. It is a conscious decision taken by an individual to spend time with themselves. Alone time is an investment with exceptionally high short and long-term returns.

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Signs That You Need Alone Time 

Feeling short-tempered or easily irritated: Constant interaction with people can, at times, drain you not just physically but emotionally as well. Even the minutest things could trigger you, resulting in a quick loss of temper. 

Having trouble concentrating: Has it ever happened to you that you enter a room to do something and then forget what you were supposed to do? Or opening your phone to check your mailbox and instead find yourself scrolling instagram reels? Not being able to concentrate on the task at hand could happen because of a host of factors. Not spending time with yourself is one such factor. 

Your anxiety is triggered by the thought of spending time with other people: Sometimes, persistent human interaction can drain you. This is the biggest sign that you need that ‘me-time’ therapy. 

Having high cortisol levels: Our body regulates cortisol or stress levels naturally. But if that is not happening, you may need a day to unwind and reset. 

You’re always rushing things: Although it is good to be on the go, but not always. It is perfectly okay to take a step back and slow down once in a while.

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Alone Time for Different Personality Types

Different personality types determine how we interact with the social world. Introverts enjoy small, intimate gatherings and doing solitary activities. Calm and quieter environments ground them. Contrarily, extroverts are fuelled by interaction with large gatherings. They feel fulfilled and stimulated by a variety of people and the hustle-bustle that it brings.

Social interaction is valued by both introverts and extroverts, though differently. However, spending alone time trespasses personality types. A socially active person needs to spend as much time with themselves as a socially anxious homebody does. It is an act of service that we must do for our mental well-being. 

Benefits of Spending Time With Yourself

Boosts Creativity and Enhances Productivity: Overstimulation is a major issue in today’s age and time. We are bombarded with information from a million sources every day. Spending time alone can give you the space to think creatively. Similarly, a calm mind always offers better solutions to problems. 

Self-introspection: The great Greek philosopher Socrates said an unexamined life is not worth living. Alone time gives you the opportunity to examine your life and yourself. There are no pretense or societal expectations that you need to meet. It is you in the most raw and truest way possible.  

Emotional Rejuvenation: Alone time allows you to recalibrate emotionally. It reduces stress and anxiety. According to a study, when people are alone without a specific task they tend to self-reflect. 

Opportunity to Explore new Interests: Idle time allows you to do things you would like/want to do but cannot because of want of time. This lets you have a fulfilling relationship with yourself

Makes you Independent: The greatest company you can keep is your own. There is something incredibly liberating about the idea that you don’t always need others to make you feel fulfilled.

Image Credits: Pexels

How to Spend Time Alone?

Take out time from your schedule for some me-time: We all know the importance of planning our day. We are constantly upskilling ourselves. Spending time with yourself is one of the must have skills for every adult.

Practice mindfulness activities: Your alone time needs to be distanced from your phone or computer. Silence all your notifications for that period and relax. Incorporate meditation or journaling for an enhanced experience.

Go on a solo date: Apprehensions about what others would think if I went on a solo date often deter us. But this is one of the best things one can do for themselves.

Go for a walk: We often find people go for a long walk when they can’t think straight. This is one of the best exercises to clear your mind and process all your thoughts.

Do your favourite fun activity: Schedule your alone time around hobbies or things you are passionate about. 


Spending time with yourself in no way means that you start ignoring others. Life is another name for balance. Balancing time for others and for yourself is necessary to maintain emotional and mental well-being.


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