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Brand Activism and Authentic Solidarity

Author: Sameer Somal

The Rise of Socially Conscious Consumers

In these polarizing times, many consumers are voting with their wallets, in favor of brands that are striving to make the world a better place. People are generally more willing to buy from—and invest in—companies that take a stand on social issues, whether by showing support for women’s rights, joining the rallying cry against racial injustice, or fighting climate change. Similarly, before investing in or supporting nonprofits and Grantmakers, people want to ensure that their investment will make a meaningful difference and truly help those who need it. Studies consistently affirm that this trend, led by the millennial generation, represents a major shift in the way business is conducted and brand reputations are built.

Driving Change with Purpose and Accountability

To tread softly and stay silent about what is happening in the world is no longer considered an acceptable option for brands, as evidenced by the outpouring of support for the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement in 2020. Consumers will increasingly require businesses to use their economic power for the greater good. Therefore, the question for businesses today isn’t whether they should join the fight for change but how.

Of course, companies that speak out on social issues open themselves up to scrutiny; they can seem hypocritical if their actions don’t match their words. Here are some considerations for ensuring that they are embracing social issues authentically.

Joining a bandwagon is easy. A triggering event occurs, emotions run high, people become passionate about joining a cause, and public relations departments get to work to craft a message of support.

With respect to the BLM bandwagon, for instance, the bigger question is: What will you do to show that Black lives actually do matter to your company? Will you donate money? Will you find ways to develop more Black talent within your organization? How will you model your values in the community where your offices are located? Authentic leaders answer such questions automatically; followers simply get on the bandwagon and hope it will take them in the right direction. But consumers and the media can discern who is just along for the ride and who is actually creating solutions that will drive a movement forward.

Check the complete article originally published at Philanthropy News Digest.

Sameer Somal, Co-Founder Girl Power Talk
Sameer Somal

Co-Founder, Girl Power Talk Sameer Somal is the CEO of Blue Ocean Global Technology and co-founder of Girl Power Talk. He is a frequent speaker at conferences on digital transformation, online reputation management, diversity & inclusion, relationship capital and ethics. Fundamental to his work at Blue Ocean Global Technology, Sameer leads collaboration with an exclusive group of PR, Law and Management Consulting agency partners. He helps clients build and transform their digital presence. Sameer is a published writer and an Intellectual Property, Trademark, and Internet Defamation subject matter expert witness. In collaboration with the Philadelphia Bar Foundation, he authors continuing legal education (CLE) programs and is a member of the Legal Marketing Association (LMA) Education Advisory Council. Sameer serves on the national board of Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA). He is an active member of the Society of International Business Fellows (SIBF) and a CFA Institute 2022 Inspirational Leader Award recipient.


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