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Embracing the Unexpected: Story of Success



  • Hira Siddiqui tells her story about having to go through sudden changes in life.
  • An essay about how even when nothing goes according to the plan, hope should stay.
  • Finding a workplace that makes one feel validated and accepted.
  • Being empowered through Girl Power Talk.

The Sudden Realization

I remember having lunch alone when some of my classmates started discussing what stream they planned to take after 10th. I had suddenly realized that I had absolutely no idea about what I wanted to do with my future. With board exams already looming over my head I had decided to pursue the arts stream. Not because I had a passion for it but because I didn’t think I could do anything else.  After 10th, I chose the stream of Humanities and decided to plan the path I wanted to take in life. I had finally decided to become serious with my life.

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Everything Everywhere All at Once

The first thing which took place as soon as I was done with my board exams was the 2020 pandemic. The sudden news of a quarantine was announced on news outlets and everything went under a change. So naturally a new plan was put into action.

I ended up transferring schools for a better education. In the same year, I realized that I wanted to have a career where I could write as a profession. My goal was to get serious towards my studies, score good in 12th boards and move out for college. A perfectly built plan was in proceedings when again the unexpected hit like it had struck me after my 10th boards. I myself contracted the COVID-19 virus and had to get admitted into the hospital due to physical concerns. If this was not unexpected enough the association responsible for holding exams changed the format last minute.  And I had to change my plans again to accommodate the sudden changes.

I somehow ended up scoring good in 12th and also succeeded getting into a college I deemed my ideal. I just had to move out and start working on building a career while improving my health which had deteriorated. 

But fate had other plans as the final unexpected event in the sequence of all these previous ones took place. Due to unforeseen issues I had to give up on my dream college I had worked hard to get into. Which further ruined my plans of leaving my hometown.

I say it was the final unexpected event not because nothing big happened after this. But because its intensity was so hard on me that after this I decided to stop making plans altogether.

The Myth of Sisyphus

After having my plans fail consecutively multiple times I had given up any hope towards working on my future. I started relating to the mythological character of Sisyphus. I felt like I was someone constantly grinding towards something which did not bear me any fruit. The act of trying in itself a shame. 

My health deteriorated further due to neglect and constant stress and my mental health took a huge toll. I had started mentally spiraling towards a state of hopelessness and as last resort decided to trust fate. This was a cliche decision as anyone might think. The uncertainty of the future however made sitting back and watching where things go seem like the best option.

And it did work out later.

Image Credits: Pexels

Coming Across Hope

I realized that going with the flow of things was far better than I expected it to be. Completing existing tasks and living in the moment without useless stressing did me wonders. It was so helpful that after a year I decided to make another attempt at establishing a career. Though this time I wanted to take it easy. That is when I came across Girl Power Talk.

I was scrolling through job postings when I came across Girl Power Talk. I decided to give it a chance, seeing that it looked promising. When I look back at the time, I think what attracted me the most was how organized everything was. From personal blogs to well established social Media. I could see myself working in such a company and that is what possibly made me try. 

I was thrilled when I got a call back for an interview. Even more so later on when it had finished because of what a streamline process it was. Conversing with the team felt like talking with individuals who made me feel validated about what I believed in.

Image Credits: Pexels

A Long Awaited Fruit

Having not worked as an intern anywhere before, I would be undermining if I was to say I was nervous. I remember doubting if I had it in me to work at such a company. However all of my doubts and anxiety were diminished when I proceeded with the Onboarding process here. The 2 week long process was something I had never expected when I formed an image of the word onboarding. The team members, who were from different parts of the world, introduced me to their work culture through introductory calls. It was through these calls that I felt accepted and integrated into the company.

I was further shocked by the work which was given to me post onboarding as a new comer. I had expected to be overwhelmed considering I lacked refined professional skills. But to find that I was to be provided mentorship by people who have experience, was truly thrilling.

Arriving Exactly Where I Am Supposed to Be

I am currently working as a content writer where I get to work with people belonging to different departments. The people I am surrounded by are people I can relate to and feel comfortable with. The workplace environment has allowed me to maintain my mental health. In addition to this, I have gained a lot of confidence due to the experience I gained here.

Because of Girl Power Talk, I am convinced that everything that happened in my life, happened for a positive reason. It convinced me that giving into the flow of life was indeed worthwhile because it led me to where I am today.


This essay explores a story of coming across hardships repeatedly and overcoming them by accepting them and moving on. Life is not a script that one can write and follow. It is a journey that leads you to places according to its own will. There is only one thing you can do to not sink in despair because of the twists in life’s journey. That is to learn to embrace them. To adapt to the unexpected.


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