September 30, 2023

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Empowering the Future: Erica McKenzie’s Mission to Change the World



People We Admire


  • Erica McKenzie believes that consistently developing yourself is the key to success in anything.
  • You should leave any space better than you found it.
  • Nobody is a repository of knowledge.
  • We will build better intergenerational relationships when we acknowledge that everyone has something to contribute and be open to learning from each other.

1. What was your childhood like, and how did it shape who you are today?

I grew up in Linstead, St. Catherine, Jamaica. My mom worked as a domestic helper and had limited resources to support our large family with six children; three girls and three boys. Despite the challenges, she worked tirelessly to make ends meet as a single parent.

I was the reader of the family, and I used to teach my brothers. I was always fascinated by my school teachers and loved being around them. At the age of nine, I knew I wanted to be a teacher too. I even set up a makeshift classroom in my dresser where I would “teach” bottles as my students. 

My mom sought different ways to provide for us and eventually sent me to live with my grandparents. After I graduated high school, she found another guardian for me in a nurse, as my grandparents had gotten very old. My guardian’s passing in 2019 was heartbreaking for me. I wanted her to see the fruits of her labor, but I continue to aim to make her proud.

My childhood experiences and our family’s challenges fueled my passion for helping others. It inspired me to start a foundation to support children in need of financial assistance like I once was. It is my way of paying it forward.

2.  Tell us about your professional journey and how you got where you are today.

I got pregnant at 17, which led me to take a brief break from high school and return later to complete some remaining subjects. I felt horrible but realized it wasn’t the end of the world, and I don’t regret it anymore. I then pursued an associate degree and took on various odd jobs. Eventually, I found my way into a nonprofit organization that provided training for aspiring entrepreneurs. During this time, I had the privilege of having a great mentor who motivated me to explore the business world.

I delved into the corporate sector, and those experiences helped shape and strengthen my professional skills. I genuinely cherish building connections with clients. The satisfaction of serving and assisting people in their endeavors has made every step of my career rewarding.

Erica McKenzie’s with her female co-workers - Empowering the Future

3. Tell us about Creative Brands Caring Hands Foundation and how it’s creating a positive change in the world.

I founded Creative Brands Caring Hands Foundation in 2021 amid the COVID-19 pandemic. My mission was to provide educational support to children with autism and their families. My personal experience as a parent of an autistic child motivated this initiative. Witnessing the lack of awareness, training, and support available to families and educators, I was determined to make a positive change.

Initially, the foundation focused on offering educational support and leadership training to young individuals aged 13-17 years, along with scholarships. However, my ultimate vision is to establish an autism support center in the Caribbean. I have been actively seeking partners and donors who are as passionate about changing the world as I am.

Fortunately, I have connected with specialists willing to contribute by providing training, support, and guidance to autistic children and their families. The planning process is underway, and although it will require time and effort, I am optimistic the results will be significant.

4. What do you think is the biggest concern for global youth today, and how do you think it can be solved?

Lack of support. Despite the abundance of technology, the youth still require guidance and encouragement. As the older generation, we should build bridges, not walls, with young people. By leveraging the strengths of the younger generation and collaborating with them, we can break down barriers instead of letting differences stand in the way. Millennials and GenZ possess valuable technological knowledge that can lead to their growth, but they also need constructive mentorship from experienced seniors.

Nobody is a repository of knowledge. We will build better inter-generational relationships when we acknowledge that everyone has something to contribute and be open to learning from each other. 

Erica McKenzie sitting with young boys - Empowering the Future

5. How do you balance your work and personal life, and what is one thing you enjoy doing in your free time?

Achieving a perfect work-life balance may be elusive, but prioritizing tasks and reducing stress as much as possible is important. Building rituals and routines fosters a sense of control, organization, and peace of mind. For me, my morning routine is particularly important as it allows me to reflect on my goals and tap into my inner self.

Sharing knowledge requires constantly acquiring it; thus, attending and hosting seminars and workshops is a part of my routine. Our biannual international conference adds immense value to my professional growth, and the bonus is that I enjoy traveling. This way, work-related trips can feel like mini-vacations, allowing me to explore and immerse myself in different cultures. I also value continuous learning and dedicate time to extensive reading to expand my knowledge. 

I make sure to integrate family time into my daily schedule. I bring my son on my trips to spend time together. Although he likes his space, I sometimes try to impose on him to find different ways to have fun. Whenever he seems distant, I consciously try to reconnect and prioritize our time together.

6.  What are your most important life values, and how have they contributed to the progression of your career? 

My most important life values revolve around helping others, personal growth, and being teachable. I believe in paying it forward, which has inspired me to support and uplift others in their personal growth journeys. Being open to learning from others and remaining teachable has allowed me to continuously acquire new knowledge and skills. These values have shaped my career path, fostering a sense of fulfillment and positively impacting those around me.

Erica McKenzie with her child in front of a beach - Empowering the Future

7. Have you had any mentors along the way? Could you share about them and their influence on your life?

Throughout my journey, I’ve been fortunate to have some incredible mentors who have significantly impacted my life. My teachers played a vital role in shaping my character and inspiring me to learn and grow. One teacher, in particular, made a lasting impression. I recall a particular moment when we were making noise, and she said, “If you think this is easy, come up here and take my place.” Her words taught me the importance of being graceful and empathetic toward others.

John C. Maxwell, a renowned leadership expert and New York Times best-selling author, has also been a valuable mentor to me. Joining his organization and learning from him was a transformative experience. Under his guidance, I learned how to elevate my leadership skills and focus on leading myself effectively before leading others. This has propelled me to the next level, personally and professionally.

8.  What are your sources of inspiration?

I’m passionate about changing the world. I believe you should leave any space ten times better than you found it. If we all strive to make a positive impact everywhere we go, the world will soon be a better place. In that context, my son and others who need help inspire me. I’m motivated to help others because I also received help when I needed it. I believe in mutual support and being there for each other to build a community that embraces kindness and compassion. Moreover, the desire to make my mom and guardian proud reminds me to remain dedicated to my mission. 

Erica McKenzie’s standing with young kids holding $150,000 fund

9. What advice would you give to young people aiming to follow your professional path?

Keep developing yourself; never compromise that. Embrace a teachable spirit, maintain the humility of a child, and be eager to learn even when you feel knowledgeable. Seek alternative perspectives and blend them with your own to develop your unique version through thoughtful evaluation. Consistently developing yourself is the key to success in anything.


Embrace your passions, seek mentorship, and never underestimate the power of making a positive impact. With determination and a compassionate heart, you can leave a lasting mark on the world. So, don’t hesitate to embark on your own journey to create a brighter future for those in need.


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