
Girl Power Talk

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Picture-of-kunika-rathore-with-highlight-'Kindness and Communication-Strategy-for-success'

Kindness and Communication: Kunika Rathore’s Strategy for Success

Childhood Experiences Journey from Social Media to Finding Unknowns Overcoming Barriers Advice to Youth What was your childhood like? And how did it shape your journey as a person you have become today? I have always been a decision-maker, even as a kid. At that time it was about what I wanted to study, where I wanted to study or what I liked to wear, who I wanted to be friends with. I have always been a person who does [...]

Kindness and Communication: Kunika Rathore’s Strategy for Success Read More »

Childhood Experiences Journey from Social Media to Finding Unknowns Overcoming Barriers Advice to Youth What was your childhood like? And how did it shape your journey as a person you have become today? I have always been a decision-maker, even as a kid. At that time it was about what I wanted to study, where I wanted to study or what I liked to wear, who I wanted to be friends with. I have always been a person who does
Chris Boneau Girl Power Talk-People We Admire

Publicist Chris Boneau Discovered His “Second Floor” to a Better Life

Beginning of the Acting Career Fighting Criticism Challenges and Teamwork Learning From Mistakes and Moving Forward Growing up in a little town in Texas, I was around ten years old when my parents brought me to see my first theatrical performance. My life was forever transformed. I always wanted to be an actor, so I asked my parents to take me to an audition for the next play: the role of a 30-year-old guy. I didn't think I'd be chosen,

Publicist Chris Boneau Discovered His “Second Floor” to a Better Life Read More »

Beginning of the Acting Career Fighting Criticism Challenges and Teamwork Learning From Mistakes and Moving Forward Growing up in a little town in Texas, I was around ten years old when my parents brought me to see my first theatrical performance. My life was forever transformed. I always wanted to be an actor, so I asked my parents to take me to an audition for the next play: the role of a 30-year-old guy. I didn't think I'd be chosen,

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