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Prashant Pal’s thumbnail - Founder and CEO, PURE India Trust

PURE India Trust: People, Profit, and Planet With Mr. Prashant Pal

Sustainability: Heart of Purpose Entrepreneurship - Even The Sky Isn’t a Limit Real Skill Through Upskilling Crafting Careers with Visions of Community over Personal Profit Overview: Prashant shares his journey from living a corporate life to following his passion and giving back to society. Establishing Pure India Trust as an NGO and where it stands for purpose, value, expertise, and vision.  He shares the importance of today's youth and why their insight and contributions are imperative for developing a more [...]

PURE India Trust: People, Profit, and Planet With Mr. Prashant Pal Read More »

Sustainability: Heart of Purpose Entrepreneurship - Even The Sky Isn’t a Limit Real Skill Through Upskilling Crafting Careers with Visions of Community over Personal Profit Overview: Prashant shares his journey from living a corporate life to following his passion and giving back to society. Establishing Pure India Trust as an NGO and where it stands for purpose, value, expertise, and vision.  He shares the importance of today's youth and why their insight and contributions are imperative for developing a more

Redefining Feminine Hygiene: The Empowering Journey of Pee Safe

Normalizing Toilet and Menstrual Hygiene Men in Femtech Empowering Women to Take Control Amalgamating Work and Life Overview: Feminism and female hygiene go hand in hand; we cannot possibly talk about feminism without including the basic needs of women.  Sustainable menstrual hygiene is where we can measure impact. We wanted to both make a generic term for toilet seat sanitizers and be bold in the name to raise awareness about UTIs (urinary tract infection). The biggest achievement is to be

Redefining Feminine Hygiene: The Empowering Journey of Pee Safe Read More »

Normalizing Toilet and Menstrual Hygiene Men in Femtech Empowering Women to Take Control Amalgamating Work and Life Overview: Feminism and female hygiene go hand in hand; we cannot possibly talk about feminism without including the basic needs of women.  Sustainable menstrual hygiene is where we can measure impact. We wanted to both make a generic term for toilet seat sanitizers and be bold in the name to raise awareness about UTIs (urinary tract infection). The biggest achievement is to be
Thumbnail-of-Finance Trailblazer: Sharon Hayut’s Commitment to Women’s Empowerment

Finance Trailblazer: Sharon Hayut’s Commitment to Women’s Empowerment & Financial Education

Journey in Finance The Gender Divide A Day in the Life Advice to Support Women The Road Ahead Overview: Sharon Hayut, CFP®, CDFA®: empowering women, pioneering finance, and unlocking networking success mantra. Helping others achieve their goals is an important source of professional satisfaction. Women may face more challenges than men to build a career, but they also count with important assets. Finance independence can be achieved through simple but solid strategies. Education is the most powerful tool we have

Finance Trailblazer: Sharon Hayut’s Commitment to Women’s Empowerment & Financial Education Read More »

Journey in Finance The Gender Divide A Day in the Life Advice to Support Women The Road Ahead Overview: Sharon Hayut, CFP®, CDFA®: empowering women, pioneering finance, and unlocking networking success mantra. Helping others achieve their goals is an important source of professional satisfaction. Women may face more challenges than men to build a career, but they also count with important assets. Finance independence can be achieved through simple but solid strategies. Education is the most powerful tool we have
Thumbnail of The Art of Managing People

The Art of Managing People

Reminiscing and Evolving Is Managing People Difficult DEI—The Need of the Hour Shannon’s Idea of Work Life Balance Overview: Shannon Crist shares powerful insights on bringing business knowledge and experience to human resources. In her experience, she’s seen that work culture should be built by both management and employees.  Shannon talks about how DataStax’s inclusive assessment ensures an equitable and just workplace.  She calls on young women to come out of their comfort zones and follow their gut feeling. 1.

The Art of Managing People Read More »

Reminiscing and Evolving Is Managing People Difficult DEI—The Need of the Hour Shannon’s Idea of Work Life Balance Overview: Shannon Crist shares powerful insights on bringing business knowledge and experience to human resources. In her experience, she’s seen that work culture should be built by both management and employees.  Shannon talks about how DataStax’s inclusive assessment ensures an equitable and just workplace.  She calls on young women to come out of their comfort zones and follow their gut feeling. 1.
Being Optimistic Is a Big Part of Figuring Things Out | Janine Guenther

Being Optimistic Is a Big Part of Figuring Things Out | Janine Guenther

Passion for Wealth Management Values and Vision for Life Challenges on the Way Giving Back and Learning  Overview: Growing up in a grocery store in a very small town, Janine Guenther was always told to work hard, go to university, and get a job by her parents. Starting her interest in finance at a very young age, she successfully secured a commercial lending trainee position with Lloyd’s Bank during the global recession. The life-changing point in her life began when

Being Optimistic Is a Big Part of Figuring Things Out | Janine Guenther Read More »

Passion for Wealth Management Values and Vision for Life Challenges on the Way Giving Back and Learning  Overview: Growing up in a grocery store in a very small town, Janine Guenther was always told to work hard, go to university, and get a job by her parents. Starting her interest in finance at a very young age, she successfully secured a commercial lending trainee position with Lloyd’s Bank during the global recession. The life-changing point in her life began when

Learn, Do, Share: Dennis Yu’s Mantra to Success

Starting A Business Redefining Success Facing Challenges Envisioning Impact Overview: Relationships are essential for your career, as they build power over time. If you are not discouraged by fails, you will eventually win. If you help enough people get what they want you will get everything you want. Success is something that you can feel in your heart. 1. Could you tell us more about yourself and your business? Where did the idea come from? I'm just a search engineer.

Learn, Do, Share: Dennis Yu’s Mantra to Success Read More »

Starting A Business Redefining Success Facing Challenges Envisioning Impact Overview: Relationships are essential for your career, as they build power over time. If you are not discouraged by fails, you will eventually win. If you help enough people get what they want you will get everything you want. Success is something that you can feel in your heart. 1. Could you tell us more about yourself and your business? Where did the idea come from? I'm just a search engineer.
The Power of Joyful Learning ft. Babar Ali

The Power of Joyful Learning ft. Babar Ali

The Purpose of Imparting and Receiving Education Joyful Learning Advice for The Youth Overview: Do not expect success in a day or two. All you need is a firm will and determination to achieve what you really want. It is important to learn in a joyful environment. Education is more than just facts - it is that which forms character and helps build a human being. With love, you are on the right path. You must always carry love in

The Power of Joyful Learning ft. Babar Ali Read More »

The Purpose of Imparting and Receiving Education Joyful Learning Advice for The Youth Overview: Do not expect success in a day or two. All you need is a firm will and determination to achieve what you really want. It is important to learn in a joyful environment. Education is more than just facts - it is that which forms character and helps build a human being. With love, you are on the right path. You must always carry love in
Harnessing the Power of Ambition With Lynn Anderson Thumbnail

Harnessing the Power of Ambition With Lynn Anderson

Be Proud of Your Opportunities The Lifelong Learning Attitude as a Leader Level Up the Self-Esteem: Know Your Worth Overview: As a leader, continuous learning is key to Lynn Anderson’s success story. It’s important to be open to change, especially in ourselves. Mistakes are normal. They make you learn and be better. Always listen to feedback—that way, we can learn and evolve. But, don’t pay much attention to people who try to impose their views on us. Know your worth

Harnessing the Power of Ambition With Lynn Anderson Read More »

Be Proud of Your Opportunities The Lifelong Learning Attitude as a Leader Level Up the Self-Esteem: Know Your Worth Overview: As a leader, continuous learning is key to Lynn Anderson’s success story. It’s important to be open to change, especially in ourselves. Mistakes are normal. They make you learn and be better. Always listen to feedback—that way, we can learn and evolve. But, don’t pay much attention to people who try to impose their views on us. Know your worth
Paul McCaffrey’s Editorial Journey

There Is No Substitute For Time and Effort | Paul McCaffrey’s Editorial Journey

Shaping the Writer Within Journey at Enterprising Investor Overcoming Challenges On the Way Overview: Literature and reading are key to gaining a broader perspective on life.  Writing, especially in Journalism, should always be a pursuit of truth. In the digital age, writers must grab readers' attention in a concise manner. Writing isn't the only way to tell stories, but the better you are as a writer, the better you're going to be in the other mediums. Shaping the Writer Within

There Is No Substitute For Time and Effort | Paul McCaffrey’s Editorial Journey Read More »

Shaping the Writer Within Journey at Enterprising Investor Overcoming Challenges On the Way Overview: Literature and reading are key to gaining a broader perspective on life.  Writing, especially in Journalism, should always be a pursuit of truth. In the digital age, writers must grab readers' attention in a concise manner. Writing isn't the only way to tell stories, but the better you are as a writer, the better you're going to be in the other mediums. Shaping the Writer Within

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