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June 10, 2022



#Employee Happiness


July 10, 2022 Online

Graphic- featuring -a -writer -at -work, emphasizing -the - importance -of -writing -skills - and - creativity

Writing is an art that is never just for the writer but also for the reader. Similarly, Content Writing is not just meant to acquire space on social media, but to touch people’s hearts and impact their lives positively. Hence, Girl Power Talk is organizing a contest in which you can channel your passion and love for writing and be a part of something extraordinary. 

Write for a change 

Writing is a component of communication as much as it is an inseparable part of human sentiments. The craft helps us convey what we want to tell our peers, society, and the world at large. On its own, writing for a change is motivational and that’s why we need you to participate in composing something that can bring a new perspective to the journey of change. 

Write an article on one of the topics listed below –

  • Creating the Dream Hybrid Work Culture: 5 Steps to Start 
  • From Social Media to On-Ground: Creating Real Impact through Volunteering
  • The Controversy Over Abortion: Or Is It?


  • Word Limit: Minimum – 750 words, Maximum – 1000 words. 
  • You may use reference articles and leverage research but your content must be unique, innovative, and original.
  • Include the reference links at the bottom of the document which you submit to us. 
  • The due date is — and no entries will be entertained after that.
  • Include a creative title for the article.
  • Keep a track of the duration while working and let us know how many hours you took to complete the task

Apart from an opportunity to work with our team, we also have some other cool prizes for the participants such as:

  • All qualifying participants will get official certificates issued by Girl Power Talk.
  • The top 10 contestants may get a direct interview opportunity to apply for a full-time/part-time or paid internship position at Girl Power Talk.

The top 3 will be awarded cash prizes as follows:

  • First position: 10000 INR
  • Second & Third position: Course subscription or exclusive merch (based on preference)

Registration Details


Venue : Online
Registration-Date : Closed
Submission-Date : July 22, 2022
Timings : 12:00 AM IST
Fee : Free

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