December 23, 2024

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Why are Work-Life Balance Struggles Fueling Burnout Today?



  • Working remotely makes it harder to distinguish between work and personal life.
  • This leads to burnout and stress
  • It is difficult to psychologically disconnect when there are no physical barriers between work-home.
  • Balance may be managed using techniques including job prioritization, clear limits, and work hour scheduling.

With increased digitalisation and remote work, employees are no longer bound to traditional work routines, fixed hours or  desk setups. However, this new freedom comes with its own set of challenges. Increased flexibility has led to changes like- logging in from bed, working endless hours a day, and blurring between work and life. This imbalance, often overlooked, leads to emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion, commonly referred to as burnout.” This has an impact on an employee’s work state and value of work.

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Causes of Blurred Boundaries and Increased Burnout 

Burnout takes place due to a multitude of factors. Some of which include:

Technology and Continuous Communication

The ubiquitous nature of technology makes it difficult to draw clear boundaries. The expectation of constant availability creates the belief that the employee has to be present always, leading to stress and overwork.

Absence of Physical Distance

The office environment although can be strenuous and time consuming, however, is equally important. Our brain functioning has schemas for everything. Schemas are mental blocks or templates, which help us make sense of our outside world. When we are working from the office, we have a distinguished template of designating an office for work, and home for leisure and personal downtime. This helped us compartmentalize and manage our time and energy effectively. Nevertheless, this is not the case anymore. The trend towards remote work has compelled many of us to modify or reconsider these mental models. It is difficult to psychologically “switch off” from work when work and leisure areas are not separated.

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Uncertain Expectations

Without clear separation of space and time, employees may not be able to distinguish between their start and finish times.  Employees may become confused about when they should be completely engaged and when it’s okay to unplug.  This can lead to a constant state of arousal and attention, which can not only be harmful for overall health.

Impact of Poor Work-life Balance 

Poor work-life balance can have negative impacts both for the employee and the organisation. 

It can lead to increased stress, which can have both cognitive and behavioral impacts.

Cognitive impairment may lead to poor focus, judgment, and increased distractibility, hence reducing productivity in work. Behaviorally, one may become irritable, absent, and may use inappropriate coping mechanisms such as poor communication. Therefore, interpersonal conflicts can develop at home and at work. This domino effect may have an impact on one’s physical health. Overall, it may contribute to poor quality of life, making one be separated, disengaged from the world, and quite unable to enjoy their experiences.

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Strategies for Managing Work-Life Balance

Maintaining work-life balance calls for an intentional effort, to prioritize one’s personal well-being while also catering to professional demands. Here is a work-life balance checklist curated for you, to help you navigate these challenges properly:

Set Clear Work-Spaces

When working from home, make sure to properly designate a physical space where you work. It could be in a different room or even your dining table. Working from a cafe is also a viable option. Overall, avoid logging in or working from spaces that you use for personal and leisure purposes. This helps signal to your brain when you are “at work” and when you are “off-duty.”

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Define your Work-Time 

Choose hours for work each day—whether it’s 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM or 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM.  This helps create a structured routine and ensures that you know when your workday begins and ends.

Communicate your Boundaries 

Inform your colleagues about your working timings, and when you are available for meetings or calls. This helps you stay focused and maintain balance in both professional and personal life.

Prioritize Tasks: ABC Matrix by Alan Lakein

The ABC Matrix is a powerful tool used to classify and do tasks based on priority and urgency.

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  • A Taks: These include must-do tasks that either have to be done in a rush or in little time. If not finished, these would badly impact the organization in extreme ways. These must be done with priority.
  • B Tasks: Important but Not Urgent: These have to be scheduled but are not crucial in the short run. They often help make progress toward someone’s career or in life.
  • C Tasks: May be delegated or outsourced. These are neither urgent nor important, and most of them become time-wasting distractions and have little impact on results.

You may efficiently manage your time and maintain attention by utilising this framework in conjunction with a well-organised work plan.


To take intentional steps to protect your mental health is not just a choice, but a necessity for long-term success.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)

What is work-life balance?

It refers to the ability to devote equal time at work and at home, in a way that promotes well-being, resilience and quality of life.

What are the frequent causes of burnout?

Some common causes may include, not having any clear working spaces,  working from bed, and not having any designated work-hours. 

How can work-life imbalance impact well-being?

Work-life imbalance can lead to negative  cognitive and behavioral impacts, further  damaging one’s health and leading to a state of burnout. 

How can I improve my work-life balance?

In order to restore work-life balance, you should set up clear work spaces, work at designated hours, communicate your boundaries, and even use techniques such as ABC Matrix or Pomodoro. 


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